====== Managing DMX 512 QLC lighting on RASPBERRY PI ======
So when you need to budget and adjust the light, managing remotely from a tablet or laptop. All that I write below is a purely budgetary solution, which will have to be a little tricky brainwashing. But the end result is worth it.
====== Rapberry pi QLC+ deb install ======
Thanks to Menshikov Ilya for the finished assembly. You can download the installation DEB file on the page **[[en:soft:qlc:qlc_raspberry_deb_by_menshikov|]]**
**Version: 4.12.7 2023**
===== What you need =====
* Raspberry PI B ++, RASPBERRY PI 2 or RASPBERRY PI 3 (It is possible to obtain and Orange PI)
* WI-FI Whistle
* Udmx or ARTnet interface
* Patience
* Flash memory card
Flash drive for RASPBERRY must be at **__least 6 class__**, and its minimum size is not lower than 4 GB of memory. **Better Flash 10 class**.// I tried 6 classes on 8 GB, I did not start, raspberry is very capricious to flash drives//
===== Customizing Raspberry PI =====
We will configure and download everything on Windows 7 (// or on any other Windows, I configured it on 64bit //)
==== Download ====
- [[https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4Uae/MGAJMfM2F|OS RASPBIAN JESSIE QLC+]](//Ready my image with QLC+ RASPBIAN + XTE
- [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/|Program for writing to RASPBIAN on a USB flash drive
- [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html|PuTTY]]
==== Установка RASPBIAN ====
Unzip ** RASPBIAN JESSIE WITH PIXEL ** // (we should get a file with the extension .img) //
Install and open the program Win32diskimager, and first we will select a USB flash drive where we will write the system, after we select our unzipped file, and click the Write button (// write //)
In order to enable SSH access, we need to create a ssh or ssh.txt file in the root of the flash drive
{{ https://gladysproject.com/assets/images/pages/installation/win32diskimager.jpg?400 |}}
After completing the recording on the flash card, {{ https://habrastorage.org/storage2/fa5/657/bca/fa5657bcae6ce4112c499db4aca4e785.png?200 | }}
Go to it and create a file ** wpa_supplicant.conf ** (// This file is responsible for configuring the network //)
In it we will see the following:
'' Ssid = "YOUR_NETWORK_NAME" '' is the name of our WI-FI network (// YOUR_NETWORK_NAME change to your //) \\
'' Psk = "YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD" '' - the password of our network (// YOUR_NETWORK_PASSWORD should change to your password //) \\
'' Proto = RSN '' - to protect your network, it can be ** WPA1 ** or ** WPA2 ** (for WPA2, it uses '' RSN '', and for WPA1 it's just '' WPA '' in most cases this parameter __track not necessary__).\\
''key_mgmt=WPA-PSK'' - The parameter is responsible for encrypting the password, ** WPA-PSK ** (in most cases) or ** WPA-EAP ** (in corporate networks) (// parameter too __tracking does not follow __ //) \\
'' Pairwise = CCMP '' - for ** WPA2 ** leave '' CCMP '', for ** WPA1 ** change to '' TKIP '' \\
'' Auth_alg = OPEN '' - leave it as it is. \\
After setting up and connecting RASPBERRY PI at boot, the WI-FI whistle should light up. Check the connection of raspberries, you can in the settings of the router.
=== Connect with SSH ===
When we learned the IP address of our raspberry, run PUTTY and connect to SSH
{{ https://657cea1304d5d92ee105-33ee89321dddef28209b83f19f06774f.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/Windows9-9e1984b61ecb09882708fb11f29652fd5f950c09babd9ee4cef0b824c158623a.png?600 |}}
And after a successful connection, the raspberry will ask for the login and password
{{ https://cdn.instructables.com/FBU/2BDU/H7NLY7OG/FBU2BDUH7NLY7OG.MEDIUM.jpg?400 |}}
=== RDP Connection ===
To run the RDP client under Windows, run on your computer:
1. Press the menu "** Start **" ("** Start **") -> select the item "** Run ** ..."("**Run**...") (//или нажмите сочетание клавиш **WIN+R**//):
{{ https://vpsnow.ru/client/kb-img/Snap346.png?600 |}}
2. In the window that appears, type ** mstsc.exe ** and click "** OK **":
{{ https://vpsnow.ru/client/kb-img/Snap347.png?600 |}}
3. Enter __IP address RASPBERRY__ in the field "** Computer **" and press the button "** Connect **":
{{ https://vpsnow.ru/client/kb-img/Snap348.png?600 |}}
4. If the "** can not be authenticated **" window appears, check the box "** __ no longer display the query __ **" and press the "** Yes **" button:
{{ https://vpsnow.ru/client/kb-img/Snap350.png?600 |}}
{{ https://vpsnow.ru/client/kb-img/Snap358.png?600 |}}