В данной статье я расскажу вам как создать передатчик и приемник DMX512 сигнала. Выложена принципиальная схема, схема платы, и вся разводка. Апаратная часть построена на микроконтролере avr ATMEGA 328 от компании Atmel. Приемник и передатчик могут передавать все 512 каналов управления. Без антенны базовая конфигурация работает до 100 метров в прямой видимости(сможет работать до 1км при установке антенны)
Сборка состоит из микроконтролера
Для подключения радиомодуля использованы ножки аппаратного SPI микроконтроллера, поэтому разъемы подключения модуля и подключения программатор дублируют друг друга. Это сделано, чтобы удобней было прошивать микроконтроллер на отладночной платке, например, если использовать программатор который подает на схему 5 вольт, а для NRF24L01 это слишком большое напряжение. Чтобы перепрошить управляющий микроконтроллер, достаточно выдернуть трансивер с платы, перепрошить и всунуть его обратно - без лишней возни с перепайкой.
Существуют ситуации, когда где DMX кабель невозможно протянуть, или использование его просто не практично. Этот проект реализует беспроводную передачу сигнала DMX в диапазоне 2,4 ГГц, используя платформу Arduino и популярного модуля приемопередатчика NRF24L01 + из нордического полупроводника.
Прием и передача по протоколу DMX осуществляется на контроллере ATmega с помощью библиотеки DMXSerial. Реализация использует прерывания и является хорошей базой для реализации второго протокола на одном чипе. 2,4 Радиомодуль подключен к плате Arduino или микроконтроллеру ATmega с помощью интерфейса SPI. Библиотека для использования чипа находится здесь https://github.com/gcopeland/RF24 . После инициализации библиотеки можно передавать и принимать данные, используя прилагаемые функции библиотеки. Библиотека передает все команды и данные микросхемы nRF24L01 + также будет обрабатывать все детали передачи в фоновом режиме.
// FOR ATMEGA328 16mhz ONLY // // connection information... // http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo // SN75176 configuration : // DMXrx NRFtx : pin 2 = 0v | pin 3 = 0v // NRFrx DMXtx : pin 2 = 0v | pin 3 = 5v // pin 6 = DMX+ | pin7 = DMX- // Ensure 3.3v is used to supply NRF24L01 board !! // // the Nrf24L01 board can only transmit from channel 0 to 83 in the USA, therefore we shall limit it to 0-80 in steps of 5 #include <EEPROM.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <nRF24L01.h> // library: https://github.com/maniacbug/RF24 #include <RF24.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <DMXSerial.h> // library: http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino/DMXSerial.aspx // #define MAX_DMX_CHANNELS 512 // full [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] #define BYTES_PER_PACKET 16 // usable bytes per packet #define PACKET_OVERHEAD 2 // group and time stamp #define MAXPAYLOAD (BYTES_PER_PACKET+PACKET_OVERHEAD) // max payload size for nrf24l01 #define MAXGROUPS (MAX_DMX_CHANNELS/BYTES_PER_PACKET) // 32 groups of 16 channels = 512 DMX channels // 16way hex channel selector - hex switch mounted with zero at top (see PCB layout) #define HEX_0 A4 #define HEX_1 A1 #define HEX_2 A2 #define HEX_3 A5 // nRF24L01 control #define nRF_CE 9 // Chip enable #define nRF_CSN 10 // Chip select not // LEDs #define LED_BLUE 6 // BLUE PWM #define LED_RED 5 // RED PWM // sn76175 control #define DMX_NOT_EN 2 #define DMX_MODE 3 // other #define ROLE A0 // if low (jumper on) then RX otherwise TX RF24 radio(nRF_CE,nRF_CSN); unsigned long RXtimer, flashTimer, taskTimer, lastFlash, refreshTimer, radioTimer, rePairTimer; uint64_t RXTXaddress, pairingAddress = 0xF0F0F0F0F0LL; uint16_t rfQuality; uint8_t payload[MAXPAYLOAD], shadow_DMX[MAX_DMX_CHANNELS]; uint8_t timeStamp, lastStamp, bestChannel; uint8_t HEXchannel, _HEXchannel, RXTXchannel, pairingChannel = 80; boolean role, _role, group_send; void setup(void) { // set DMX/rs485 interface pinMode(DMX_NOT_EN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(DMX_NOT_EN, LOW); pinMode(DMX_MODE, OUTPUT); // set bicolour LED pinMode(LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW); pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW); // set up ROLE switch pinMode(ROLE, INPUT_PULLUP); // set up HEX channel select switch pinMode(HEX_0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(HEX_1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(HEX_2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(HEX_3, INPUT_PULLUP); if ( digitalRead(ROLE) ) { // jumper off : transmitter : initialise & read EEPROM init_EEPROM(); } radio.begin(); // test nRF board, if it doesnt reply then flash LED indefinately, or until it does reply while (!radio.isPVariant() ) { // check if board connected if (digitalRead(ROLE)) { blue(); delay(500); off(); delay(500); } // Wireless TX : if no rf comms then flash BLUE 50% else { red(); delay(500); off(); delay(500); } // Wireless RX : if no rf comms then flash RED 50% } // generic radio stuff radio.setAutoAck(false); radio.setPayloadSize(MAXPAYLOAD); radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_HIGH); radio.setDataRate(RF24_250KBPS); radio.setRetries(0,0); //radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS); //radio.setDataRate(RF24_2MBPS); HEXchannel = HEXread(); // if this is a transmitter, do a channel scan, transmit network RXTXaddress and clean RXTXchannel during rePair (every 2 secs) // only send clean channel data if channel selector is set to zero (send 0xFF if channel other than zero : manualPair) if ( digitalRead(ROLE) ) { // jumper off : transmitter bestChannelScan(); // only do channel scan if this is a transmitter - bestChannel is required for manualPair and autoPair modes if (HEXchannel) { // bestChannelDisplay(); // if HEX switch not zero display best channel number } } // if this is a receiver, go into pairing mode and wait (indefinately) for pairing & channel data // only use received (clean) channel data if channel selector is set to zero else { receivePairingAddress(); } rePairTimer = flashTimer = taskTimer = millis(); // TXtimer = DMXSerial.maxChannel(MAX_DMX_CHANNELS); rfQuality = 0; // read and initialise HEX switch and Role jumper readPins(true); } // end of init void loop(void) { // once per second, test for changes in HEX Switch and Role jumper (rx/tx) if (millis() - taskTimer > 1000) { taskTimer = millis(); readPins(false); } // JUMPER OFF : [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] --> WIRELESS Tx // LED Wireless TX : Solid BLUE, broken with very short flash of RED only if [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] data is being received. if (digitalRead(ROLE)) { // if a wireless transmitter // SEND OUT BURSTS OF RADIO DATA EVERY 30ms.... for (uint8_t group = 0; group < MAXGROUPS; group++) { // scan through the groups of DMX data, 30 bytes at a time uint16_t group_ptr = group*BYTES_PER_PACKET; //30; // create group pointer for array if (millis() - refreshTimer > 1000) { // allow ALL radio data (full [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] array) to be send once per second, regardless of changes group_send = true; // force ALL send refreshTimer = millis(); } //if refresh timer else { group_send = false; // preset flag to false, only set it if there has been a data change since last time } // not refresh timer for (uint8_t chan = 1; chan < BYTES_PER_PACKET+1; chan++) { if ( DMXSerial.read(group_ptr+chan-1) != shadow_DMX[group_ptr+chan-1] ) { // compare test : current DMX against old DMX shadow_DMX[group_ptr+chan-1] = DMXSerial.read(group_ptr+chan-1); // if changed, update shadow array of [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] data and payload group_send = true; // set flag so that THIS group packet gets sent } // if data compare payload[chan+1] = DMXSerial.read(group_ptr+chan-1); // ensure ALL up-to-date data gets through on this packet } // for chan if (group_send) { // only send the data that has changed, any data change in a group will result in whole group send payload[0] = group; // set first byte to point to group number (groups of 30 bytes) payload[1] = timeStamp++; // second byte helps us monitor consistency of reception at receiver with a continuous frame counter radio.write( payload, sizeof(payload) ); // dump payload to radio } // if group_send } // for group if ( (DMXSerial.noDataSince() < 2000) && (millis() > 1000) ) { // if [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] has been received within the last 2 seconds make LED flash if (!(millis() & 0b1111000000)) { red(); } else { // SIMPLE [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] FLASHER digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); analogWrite(LED_BLUE,5); // low level Blue } } else { // no [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] data present, no flash digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); analogWrite(LED_BLUE,5); } // trigger rePair information send, just once every 2 seconds if (millis() - rePairTimer > 2000) { rePairTimer = millis(); rePairTX(); // single burst of pairing information on pairing channel using pairing network address } } // if role // JUMPER ON // WIRELESS --> DMX // LED Wireless RX : Solid RED, broken with flash of BLUE if wireless is being received (channel match) // the gaps between the BLUE flashes are dependant on consistency of consecutive packets, relating to timeStamp else { if (millis() - RXtimer > 20000) { // after 20 seconds without receving any radio data, try and rePair receivePairingAddress(); } else if (millis() - RXtimer > 2000) { // after 2 seconds of no radio data, stop blinking rfQuality = 0; } if ( radio.available() ) { if (!rfQuality) { rfQuality = 50; // just to show that channel and address are locked on ! } RXtimer = millis(); radio.read( payload, sizeof(payload) ); // get data packet from radio if ( payload[1] == (lastStamp+1) ) { // check for continuous timestamps, increase quality indicator if good if (rfQuality < 255) { rfQuality++; } } else { // if incontinuous, reduce quality indicator/LED brightness if (rfQuality > 50) { rfQuality--; } } lastStamp = payload[1]; // reset last time stamp to current for checking next time for (uint8_t i = 0; i <BYTES_PER_PACKET; i++) { DMXSerial.write((BYTES_PER_PACKET*payload[0])+i, payload[i+2]); // spill radio data into dmx data array } } // if radio avail lastFlash = millis() - flashTimer; if (lastFlash < 64) { digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); analogWrite(LED_BLUE,rfQuality); // show rfQuality as brightness of BLUE LED } else if (lastFlash >= 64) { digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,0); analogWrite(LED_RED,5); // switch back to RED at low level } if (lastFlash > 1024) { flashTimer = millis(); // reset timer after 1 second(ish) } } // else } // loop // read HEX switch and Role jumper, if there has been a change in settings then an update can be made void readPins(boolean initialise) { _HEXchannel = HEXread(); // get temp HEXchannel _role = digitalRead(ROLE); // get temporary Role if (_role != role || initialise) { // has the ROLE changed ?? - initialise will override any change in settings role = _role; if (role) { // JUMPER OFF : this is a wireless transmitter digitalWrite(DMX_MODE,LOW); // enable rs485 for input DMXSerial.init(DMXReceiver); // enable [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] to receive radio.openWritingPipe(RXTXaddress); // set network address radio.stopListening(); // start talking ! digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); analogWrite(LED_BLUE,5); // low level BLUE to start... } else { // JUMPER ON : this is a wireless receiver digitalWrite(DMX_MODE,HIGH); // enable rs485 for output DMXSerial.init(DMXController); // enable [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] for output only radio.openReadingPipe(1,RXTXaddress); // set network address radio.startListening(); // start listening for data digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,0); analogWrite(LED_RED,5); // low level RED to start... } } if (_HEXchannel != HEXchannel || initialise) { // has the CHANNEL changed ? - 'initialise' overrides any change in settings HEXchannel = _HEXchannel; rfQuality = 0; // reset this so that led stops flashing if (!role) { radio.stopListening(); // if this is a receiver... } if (HEXchannel) { RXTXchannel = HEXchannel*5; // create real channel number from HEX read } radio.setChannel(RXTXchannel); // set the channel if (!role) { radio.startListening(); // if this is a receiver... } } } void red(void) { digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,0); digitalWrite(LED_RED,1); } void blue(void) { digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,1); digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); } void off(void) { digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,0); digitalWrite(LED_RED,0); } // manualPair & autoPair information // selecting HEXchannel 0 instigates "autoPair" mode on transmitter and receivers, therefore channel zero cannot be used in manualPair mode // The transmitter and receivers MUST be set to either ALL autoPair(0) or ALL manualPair(1-15) to work correctly // manualPair mode can only select RXTXchannels 5 to 75 (via hex switch positions 1-15) // manualPair & autoPair (on the Transmitter) has a 'bestChannelScan' on power-up // autoPair : The best(quietest)channel will be transmitted with the network address on pairing // manualPair : The best(quietest)channel is shown by number of blinks (shown as 3 groups of blinks) (bestChannelDisplay) // The RXTXchannel number is 5 times that indicated - example 5 blinks = channel 60 // In manualPair, the transmitter and all receivers must be manually set to that channel via the hex switch // Transmitter : every 2 seconds, the transmitter sends its network address/pipe number as data on channel 80, using a a pairing address/pipe // Receivers : on power up, receiver(s) are in pairing mode, receiver goes to channel 80 and listens on the pairing address/pipe for the network address and channel number to go to // receivers change to the network channel and wait for DMX/Radio data to arrive. If any receiver loses pairing, after 20 seconds it will start to repair again. void bestChannelScan(void) { uint8_t carriers[16], reps, i, best=200; for (reps=0; reps<200; reps++) { // scan all channels 200 times for (i=1; i<16; i++) { radio.setChannel(i*5); // scan from channel 5 to 75 in steps of 5 radio.startListening(); delayMicroseconds(128); radio.stopListening(); if ( radio.testCarrier() ) ++carriers[i]; // if there is any signal present, increase value in array } // i } // reps for (i=15; i>0; i--) { // find quietest channel, starting from highest channel if (carriers[i] < best) { best = carriers[i]; // save quietest value RXTXchannel = i*5; //and save corresponding channel number } } } // BestChannel will only display if transmitter is not on HEX SWITCH 0 void bestChannelDisplay(void) { uint8_t i, x; for (x=0; x<3; x++) { for (i=0; i<RXTXchannel/5; i++) { blue(); delay(25); off(); delay(375); } delay(1000); } } // read the value of the Hex Switch uint8_t HEXread(void) { return (!digitalRead(HEX_0)) | (!digitalRead(HEX_1) << 1) | (!digitalRead(HEX_2) << 2) | (!digitalRead(HEX_3) << 3); } // reguarily, the transmitter sends out a short burst of the config data on the pairing channel and using the pairing address void rePairTX(void) { radio.openWritingPipe(pairingAddress); radio.setChannel(pairingChannel); radio.stopListening(); payload[0] = (uint8_t) (RXTXaddress); payload[1] = (uint8_t) (RXTXaddress >> 8); payload[2] = (uint8_t) (RXTXaddress >> 16); payload[3] = (uint8_t) (RXTXaddress >> 24); payload[4] = (uint8_t) (RXTXaddress >> 32); if (HEXread()) { payload[5] = 0xFF; } else { payload[5] = RXTXchannel; } radio.write( payload, sizeof(payload) ); // dump pairing data to radio radio.openWritingPipe(RXTXaddress); radio.setChannel(RXTXchannel); radio.stopListening(); } void receivePairingAddress(void) { uint8_t p, q; radio.stopListening(); radio.openReadingPipe(1,pairingAddress); radio.setChannel(pairingChannel); radio.startListening(); digitalWrite(LED_BLUE,LOW); while ( !radio.available() ) { analogWrite(LED_RED,p++); delay(2); // slowly pulse RED LED while awaiting pairing connection } radio.read( payload, sizeof(payload) ); // get data packet from radio if available RXTXaddress = (uint64_t)(payload[0]) | (uint64_t)(payload[1] << 8) | (uint64_t)(payload[2] << 16); RXTXaddress |= (uint64_t)(payload[3] << 24) | (uint64_t)(payload[4] << 32); // get RXTX address from payload if ( payload[5] == 0xFF ) { RXTXchannel = HEXread()*5; // use channel from hex switch } else { RXTXchannel = payload[5]; // use best channel from scan } radio.stopListening(); radio.openReadingPipe(1,RXTXaddress); radio.setChannel(RXTXchannel); radio.startListening(); RXtimer = millis(); } void init_EEPROM(void) { // do this only if a transmitter // if the EEPROM hasnt already been set (all bytes at 0xFF) then set an address using 2 random numbers to make up unique 40bit address // the address will be used in pairing. Once it has been set the first time it wont need to be set again if ( digitalRead(ROLE) ) { // jumper off : transmitter if ( (EEPROM.read(0) == 0xff) && (EEPROM.read(1) == 0xff) ) {// check for uninitialised/used eeprom memory randomSeed(analogRead(A3)); // seed from unused floating analog port EEPROM.write(0,random(255)); // unique lowest byte only EEPROM.write(1,random(255)); // initialise 40 bit address number into eeprom, this makes up bytes 1-4 in address } RXTXaddress = (uint64_t) (EEPROM.read(0)) | (uint64_t)(EEPROM.read(1) << 8) | (uint64_t)(EEPROM.read(1) << 16); RXTXaddress |= (uint64_t)(EEPROM.read(1) << 24) | (uint64_t)(EEPROM.read(1) << 32); // reconstruct RXTXaddress from eeprom, byte 0 is unique, bytes 1-4 are the same } }
#define ROLE A0 - Эта строка отвечает за прием и ли передачу. Если нужен приемник то A0, передатчик A1
— WillaBroome 2016/08/13 04:34