Еще один простой скетч, использующий Arduino и микросхему MAX485 для отправки данных DMX По моему это самый простой скетч, чтобы разобраться как устроен протокол DMX 512. На нем видно все задержки, где и как используется BREAK.
/* [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] Shift Out for arduino - 004 and 005 * ------------- * * Shifts data in [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] format out to [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] enabled devices * it is extremely restrictive in terms of timing. Therefore * the program will stop the interrupts when sending data * * The elektronic foundation for [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] is RS 485, so you have to use * a MAX-485 or a 75176. * * wirring for sending [[:wiki:dmx_512|dmx]] with a MAX-485 1 - RO - Receiver Output --- set to ground with a 100 ohm resistor 2 - RE - Receiver Output Enable -- set to ground 3 - DE - Driver Output Enable -- set to 5v 4 - DI - Driver Input -- Input from Arduino 5 - GnD - Ground Connection -- set to ground -- refence for the [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] singal --- ([[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] pin 1) 6 - A - Driver Output / Receiver Input -- [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] Signal (hot)------------------ ([[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] pin 3) 7 - B - Driver Output / Receiver Input -- [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] Signal inversion ( cold)------ ([[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] pin 2) 8 - Vcc - Positive Supply -- 4,75V < Vcc < 5,25V * Every [[:wiki:dmx_512|dmx]] packet contains 512 bytes of information (for 512 channels). * The start of each packet is market by a start byte (shiftDmxOut(sig,0);), * you should always send all 512 bytes even if you don*t use all 512 channels. * The time between every [[:wiki:dmx_512|dmx]] packet is market by a break * between 88us and 1s ( digitalWrite(sig, LOW); delay(10);) * * (cleft) 2006 by Tomek Ness and D. Cuartielles * K3 - School of Arts and Communication * fhp - University of Applied Sciences * <http://www.arduino.cc> * <http://www.mah.se/k3> * <http://www.design.fh-potsdam.de> * * @date: 2006-09-30 * @idea: Tomek Ness * @code: D. Cuartielles and Tomek Ness * @acknowledgements: Johny Lowgren for his [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] devices * */ int sig = 11; // signal (hot / dmx pin 3) int count = 0; int swing = 0; int updown = 0; /* Sends a [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]] byte out on a pin. Assumes a 16 MHz clock. * Disables interrupts, which will disrupt the millis() function if used * too frequently. */ void shiftDmxOut(int pin, int theByte) { int theDelay = 1; int count = 0; int portNumber = port_to_output[digital_pin_to_port[pin].port]; int pinNumber = digital_pin_to_port[pin].bit; // the first thing we do is to write te pin to high // it will be the mark between bytes. It may be also // high from before _SFR_BYTE(_SFR_IO8(portNumber)) |= _BV(pinNumber); delayMicroseconds(20); // disable interrupts, otherwise the timer 0 overflow interrupt that // tracks milliseconds will make us delay longer than we want. cli(); // DMX starts with a start-bit that must always be zero _SFR_BYTE(_SFR_IO8(portNumber)) &= ~_BV(pinNumber); //we need a delay of 4us (then one bit is transfert) // at the arduino just the delay for 1us is precise every thing between 2 and 12 is jsut luke // to get excatly 4us we have do delay 1us 4 times delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); for (count = 0; count < 8; count++) { if (theByte & 01) { _SFR_BYTE(_SFR_IO8(portNumber)) |= _BV(pinNumber); } else { _SFR_BYTE(_SFR_IO8(portNumber)) &= ~_BV(pinNumber); } delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); delayMicroseconds(theDelay); theByte>>=1; } // the last thing we do is to write the pin to high // it will be the mark between bytes. (this break is have to be between 8 us and 1 sec) _SFR_BYTE(_SFR_IO8(portNumber)) |= _BV(pinNumber); // reenable interrupts. sei(); } void setup() { pinMode(sig, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); } void loop() { // sending the break (the break can be between 88us and 1sec) digitalWrite(sig, LOW); delay(10); //sending the start byte shiftDmxOut(sig,0); //sending the 512 bytes for the channels shiftDmxOut(sig, 150); //1 shiftDmxOut(sig, 150); //2 shiftDmxOut(sig, 150); //3 shiftDmxOut(sig, 150); //4 for (count = 1; count<=508; count++){ shiftDmxOut(sig, 0); } }